by RayLinda | Sep 7, 2015 | Members Only, Politics
Politics – September 7, 2015 How we get these Future News Predictions Find out how these predictions will affect you Tragic stories of families dying at sea trying to escape their countries Their children’s bodies floating up on the shore War-torn people…...
by RayLinda | Aug 6, 2015 | Members Only, Politics
Politics – August 6, 2015 How we get these Future News Predictions Find out how these predictions will affect you The GOP Presidential candidate race Fox News will be hosting the top ten With so many possible candidates how can… Look back on any political...
by RayLinda | Jun 7, 2015 | Members Only, Politics
Politics- June 7, 2015 How we get these Future News Predictions Find out how these predictions will affect you Liar, liar pants on fire campaign 2016 Where are all these former governors or senators coming from? Here’re some of the liar platforms you will be...
by RayLinda | Apr 6, 2015 | Members Only, Politics
Politics – April 6, 2015 How we get these Future News Predictions Find out how these predictions will affect you Political guns for hire Not a fair law Intolerant and narrow-minded You probably shouldn’t vote What makes politicians think they can pass laws...
by RayLinda | Mar 6, 2015 | Members Only, Politics
Politics – March 6, 2015 How we get these Future News Predictions Find out how these predictions will affect you Politics is a combination of leverage and distractions Benjamin Netanyahu speech to Congress… The Palestinian situation He has an agenda that’s...
by RayLinda | Feb 5, 2015 | Members Only, Politics
Politics -February 5, 2015 How we get these Future News Predictions Find out how these predictions will affect you Political decisions will become the new religion Other parties attempt to convert them This is not unlike different religions pushing their...